About Danielle Grant

About Danielle Grant | Not Your Average Spiritual Awakening & Ascension Guide | www.awakeascending.com/about-danielle-grant/
About Danielle Grant | Not Your Average Spiritual Awakening & Ascension Guide

Hey there, I'm Danielle Grant, and I'm not your average spiritual guide or mentor.

I'm the girl you hire when you're done with the fluff and want to dive straight into the heart of the matter. I'm the one you turn to after you've tried the rest!

When you come to me, you can expect a direct, heart-to-heart conversation. What sets me apart is my genuine connection with people on a soul level. I'm not here to feed you spiritual jargon; I'm here to speak directly to your heart and soul. It's about cutting through the clutter and getting straight to the core of what matters most in your spiritual journey.

My journey, much like those I guide, is one of profound transformation and self-discovery. It all started at the tender age of 14 when I found myself in a psychiatric ward, facing the aftermath of sexual trauma, self-doubt, and a profound lack of self-love, all viewed through the lens of the material world. It was during these trials that I first heard the whispers of my inner voice (higher self). That experience ignited a fire within me to explore and understand the deepest aspects of the human spirit.

I embarked on a silent and personal mission of self-discovery, immersing myself in the wisdom of Buddhism. I peeled away the layers that concealed my true essence and confronted my own ego, discovering the transformative power of self-love in the process.

By the age of 25, I had started my ascension to the 4th density of existence, a journey that was heightened by a life-altering experience in Thailand. It was there, amidst the tranquil surroundings of Buddhist temples, that I felt an overwhelming sense of 'home' and 'belonging,' a profound resonance with my path toward enlightenment. I continued to keep my spiritual awakening concealed, only sharing the wisdom of the ego self, a concept more widely accepted at the time.

But things took a significant turn when, at the age of 29, my corporate job came to an end. I made a courageous decision to dive headfirst into my desire to enlighten others about their higher selves.With this leap into entrepreneurship came another awakening, propelling my spiritual ascension journey to new heights.

My journey as an Entrepreneur began as a mentor to entrepreneurs and high-achievers, through my company Your Mindset Mentor. It didn't take long for me to realize that I was here to do more than just serve entrepreneurs and I shut down Your Mindset Mentor. Through this first point of entry, I gained access to profound wisdom, unlocking the understanding of my mission and purpose in this lifetime.

I knew in my heart I was here to share the deeper truth. I recognized that I was a lightworker, a starseed if you will, and I had access to the energies of Lemurian and Arcturian and beyond. I expanded into serving anyone who was awakening & awakened that was seeking my guidance through my company The Spiritual Room.

While I briefly explored a spiritual ego phase, owning my powerful starseed nature, I soon transcended any need for such identifications. Instead, I ascended to a higher density with the activation of my crystalline light body. Today, I'm the guiding force behind The Spiritual Room, my personal brand - Danielle Grant, and the publication Awake & Ascending. I operate from a space of unity, oneness, and a desire to avoid claiming titles, choosing instead to be the bearer of light and higher frequencies.

When you enter my space, you'll quickly realize that I'm here to be the neutral sidekick on your journey into the 5th density. I offer a safe, non-judgmental, and empowering environment for my clients. What you can expect is authenticity, compassion, and a deep commitment to your growth and transformation. My mentoring style combines ancient wisdom with practical strategies, guiding you on a journey of self-discovery that transcends the ordinary and leads to a profound understanding of your true self.

Are you ready? Let's go!

Work With Danielle
Danielle is the guiding force behind The Spiritual Room and her personal brand - Awake & Ascending. She operates from a space of unity, oneness, and a desire to avoid claiming titles, choosing instead to be the bearer of light and higher frequencies. When you enter Danielle’s space, you soon realize

Work With Danielle Grant | Spiritual Awakening & Ascension Mentor

To learn more about how you can work with me and the current offerings I have available, send me a DM on Instagram and let's open up the connection...

Prefer to send me an email? No problem - danielle@thespiritualroom.co

Who I Serve

I'm here to guide and mentor those on distinct stages of their personal & spiritual evolution. Here are the remarkable individuals I serve:

  1. The Novice Explorer: If you're a newly awakened soul, taking your first steps on this profound journey, and you seek the guidance of a true luminary.
  2. The Awakened Seeker: For those who've embarked on their spiritual journey and are hungry to venture further into higher consciousness, ready to ascend into the 5th dimension.
  3. High-Performing Visionaries: I'm here for the awakened high performers who've reached the pinnacle of their success but are driven to ascend to the next level. You desire greater alignment, more flow, boundless abundance, and the ultimate joy.
  4. Creative Trailblazers, Visionary Leaders, and Bold Entrepreneurs: If you've invested in numerous coaches and strategies but now sense that your next step involves elevating your very being, your frequency field. You're ready to step into the next chapter of your journey from an entirely new version of yourself.
Work With Danielle
Danielle is the guiding force behind The Spiritual Room and her personal brand - Awake & Ascending. She operates from a space of unity, oneness, and a desire to avoid claiming titles, choosing instead to be the bearer of light and higher frequencies. When you enter Danielle’s space, you soon realize

Work With Danielle Grant | Spiritual Awakening & Ascension Mentor

Client Experiences (Case Studies): 

Gain insights into the diverse experiences of Danielle's clients. From professional athletes to stay-at-home parents, corporate executives to entrepreneurs. These stories serve as injections of inspiration, illustrating the transformative power of awakening in various life contexts.

Some of the case studies include:

  • Spiritual Awakening: Uncover the profound truth in my clients' journeys as they break into higher consciousness, navigating the often challenging terrain of self-discovery.
  • Spiritual Ascension: Elevate your understanding of spirituality. These case studies focus on taking existing spiritual knowledge and ascending to deeper levels of soul evolution.
  • Entrepreneurial Insights: Navigating the spiritual path while balancing the demands of entrepreneurship.
  • Corporate Reflections: Reflections on spirituality within the corporate world and the pursuit of purpose in professional settings.
  • Parenting Perspectives: Insights for parents, exploring the spiritual journey amidst the joys and challenges of parenthood.
  • Athletic & Influencer Awakening: Stories from professional athletes & influencers embracing spirituality as a key element of their journey to success.
Check out the Road To Gold Publication with my client and professional athlete; Kennedy Justinen
Work With Danielle
Welcome to the gateway of possibility on your journey to spiritual expansion. Dive into a container where personal growth meets divine connection. Uncover the bespoke opportunities awaiting you, from intimate mentorship that resonate with your unique essence, immersive group experiences that foster a collective elevation of consciousness, to dynamic workshops

Work With Danielle Grant | Spiritual Awakening & Ascension Mentor